Monday, June 21, 2010

Dyslexics of the World: yeah, yeah, we get it

As you all probably know, dyslexia is a learning disability that, unlike most learning disabilities, is often accompanied by great genius. Here are some famous people with dyslexia:

Albert Einstein:

Discovered general relativity, did a bunch of stuff with thermodynamics that I don't understand, sported awesome 'stache.

Leonardo da Vinci:

Invented lots of cool stuff (most of which doesn't actually work), painted the most famous painting in the world, sported awesome beard.

Bryan Singer:

Directed The Usual Suspects, Apt Pupil, and a bunch of other stuff, used to date my old roommate, took me to meet Jessica Alba.

My sister:

There are 9,000 pictures exactly like this on her Facebook page.

My sister is very good at things like putting on makeup and getting her hair to do that poofy thing on top without buying as-seen-on-TV hair accessories. Because she is dyslexic, however, she is not so good at things like spelling, getting stuff done on time (who is?), or remembering anything that isn't about hair or makeup. As my sister is a generally upbeat person, she has chosen to find her dyslexia-related symptoms more hilarious than even the cruelest of bullies would. Seriously, she mispronounces one thing, or puts one letter in the wrong spot, and she's in hysterics. It's kind of ridiculous. I try to talk to her about it, but she forgets we even had a conversation, which she also thinks is hilarious. At least she's happy, I guess.

Normally, my sister lives in London, which is where she goes to school. Because London is terrible and Chicago is awesome, however, she chose to go back to Chicago for the summer. Because my life is terrible and I need a job but no longer have a green card (long story), I pretty much had to go to London for the summer. So, we traded lives. She is living with my parents (sucker), and I am living in her apartment (no air conditioning, no food from Whole Foods, no dog, no cable, in London. . . OK, maybe I'm the sucker). Because my sister is very helpful, she decided to label everything in her house with Post-It notes so that I would not be confused about what things are. Here are some examples:

"birty towels correction dirty towels"

"PT I mean TP"

"Linnin Closet"

I think the last one is my favorite, because my sister's "linnin closet" is filled with cleaning and art supplies. I'm pretty sure she does not know what a linen closet is.

In conclusion, my sister is probably a genius in some yet-undiscovered way, so it's important for me to make fun of her while I have the chance.


  1. I had no idea how you were gonna get a London tie-in out of this one; alas, though, you did--and in grand fashion. LOL.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
